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Ronan Helmholz

Anmeldedatum: 25.12.2005 Beiträge: 67
Verfasst am: Mi 15 März, 2006 16:24 Titel: Passende Lyrik |
das ist zwar kein Gedicht, aber ich finde diese kleine Lyrik passt sehr gut zu einigen Kriegern auf Fate, zB zu Ramirez, es geht hierbei um Macht und "Power"
es ist von ManOwaR
The Power
I've got the power to fly into the wind
The power to be free to die and live again
This power's like fire, fire loves to burn
Make the world a grave of ashes in an urn
The power in the darkness to see without my sight
Walk among the living free of wrong and right
The power of the magic the power of the spell
Not to serve in Heaven but one day to rule in Hell
Power the power the power
This power's greater than love and of hate
This is the power of will and of fate
The power to kill the power to feel
The power of blood the triumph of steel
Greater that the power of a priest or a sinner
The power to defy to fight and be the winner
The power of the demons spirits I command
Always by my side to serve the master's plan
Power the power the power
None can fight the power none can fight the wind
Secrets of all life and death are carried there within
Call out to the power of the darkness and light
Have dominion of the earth be lord of all the night
Kill all those who stand against you look into their eyes
Drink their blood and laugh as they pay for all their lies
Piss upon their graves then cast a final spell
Fly into the night and one day meet in Hell
Power the power the power _________________ Wer kämpft, der kann verlieren,
Wer nicht kämpft, hat schon verloren! |
Nach oben |
Ronan Helmholz

Anmeldedatum: 25.12.2005 Beiträge: 67
Verfasst am: Mo 15 Mai, 2006 15:31 Titel: |
hierzu gab es zwar keine feetbacks und ich denke das topic hier ist auch nicht unbedingt für Metal-Lyrik gedacht, aber ich habe lange gebraucht um etwas passendes zum Ende zu finden, dabei war es immer genau vor meiner Nase....naja, vill. gefällt es einigen nicht, aber ich poste das trotzdem:
Iced Earth-The Coming Curse
I walk the Earth just as they planned
Baptized in fire for my ancient land
The coming curse, your anti-Christ, I am the Watcher's eye
I vindicate and cleanse the Earth of all mankind
For many years, I've walked among you
Through the folds of time and space
Kingdoms fall, leaders die, as I see fit
I devour souls of those that pose a threat
I walk the Earth another day
The wicked one that comes this way
Savior to my own, devil to some
Mankind falls, something wicked comes
I bide my time planning your fate
With bated breath, The Elder wait
The coming curse, your anti-Christ, I am the Watcher's eye
For your crimes on our kind you all will die
I walk the Earth another day
The wicked one that comes this way
Savior to my own, devil to some
Mankind falls, something wicked comes
Forged in the sacred flames
On the sixth day
Of the sixth month
In the sixth hour
I am your anti-Christ, I will destroy mankind
Born of the beast and flames
I will devour, I will divide
Hellfire rages in my eyes
Blood will fall like rain this night
The coming curse, the anti-Christ, I am the Watcher's eye
I vindicate and cleanse the Earth of all mankind
I walk the Earth another day
The wicked one that comes this way
Savior to my own, devil to some
Mankind falls, something wicked comes _________________ Wer kämpft, der kann verlieren,
Wer nicht kämpft, hat schon verloren! |
Nach oben |
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